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Bryan's Tutoring Service

Executive Summary



Schools are underfunded, kids need schooling, some kids need more help than others; some parents want to help more than others do. Tutoring helps kids learn.


Bryan’s Tutoring Service offers a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be set up as private or students may form groups for tutoring. Private sessions offer intense individual assistance, but groups sessions can also be beneficial with decreased economic costs and the use of team-based approach that the business program encourages. For The Atkinson-based courses, Bryan’s Tutoring Service offers an extensive collection of past exams which are invaluable for teaching the material and for exam preparation. For all students, Bryan’s Tutoring Service uses the Systematic Analysis Framework (SAF). This unique problem solving approach taught to students provides a system to approach all topics that they encounter in school. This system seeks to provide the student with a way in which they can better solve their own queries. This system differs from most tutors who are primarily concerned with answering the student’s immediate questions and not concerned with providing the students with basic problem solving skills for future applications.


Bryan’s Tutoring Service has identified several target market segments that will be pursued. The largest segment is the Willamette business students. Bryan has close relationships with most of the professors of the business program, allowing Bryan to tailor the tutoring to the specific course material as well as receive referrals from said professors. Within this market segment there will be three subgroups: quantitative clients, non-quantitative clients, and international students. Bryan’s Tutoring Service will also serve undergraduate students from Willamette and the surrounding colleges.


Tutoring has been around as long as students. And as long as students get in over their head, they will need tutors to help them catch up and keep up with their classmates. Some materials just need to be explained in different ways for them to make sense.

However, while the need for tutoring exists, the bulk of tutoring taking place in the market is very limited and unorganized. What sets this company apart is its experience and the attention paid to individual needs of students.

Why Us?

Bryan’s Tutoring Service exists to help students. We take a unique and innovative approach to teaching that helps students connect with the subject matter they need to master. Through personalized and focussed teaching processes, our students develop the tools they need for ongoing success in their fields of study. Our success depends on our attention to the needs of our clients and truly helping them achieve – we don’t succeed unless our clients succeed.



This is a personal tutoring business. Bryan will be able to make enough during the school year to sustain his needs when June July and august come around and students are fewer.  The rent and expenses listed are for him to pay his rent and to eat etc. between group sessions. 

Financial Highlights by Year

Chart visualizing the data for Financial Highlights by Year

Financing Needed

Bryan will use his savings for this venture. He does not need much just enough to get him through the first month’s rent 


Problem & Solution

Problem Worth Solving

Schools are underfunded, kids need schooling, some kids need more help than others; some parents want to help more than others do. Tutoring helps kids learn.

Our solution

Bryan’s Tutoring Service offers a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be set up as private or students may form groups for tutoring. Private sessions offer intense individual assistance, but groups sessions can also be beneficial with decreased economic costs and the use of team-based approach that the business program encourages. For The Atkinson-based courses, Bryan’s Tutoring Service offers an extensive collection of past exams which are invaluable for teaching the material and for exam preparation. For all students, Bryan’s Tutoring Service uses the Systematic Analysis Framework (SAF). This unique problem solving approach taught to students provides a system to approach all topics that they encounter in school. This system seeks to provide the student with a way in which they can better solve their own queries. This system differs from most tutors who are primarily concerned with answering the students immediate questions and not concerned with providing the students with basic problem solving skills for future applications.

Target Market

Market Size & Segments

The company was founded tutoring students in the graduate school of management in their quantitative subjects. This remains the core segment, although other segments have been developing and show potential to provide the bulk of future income. Graduate students can be divided into three groups: quantitative subjects/students, non-quantitative, and international students.

Undergraduate students will also be served, however Bryan’s Tutoring has a less intimate relationship with the various undergraduate schools and professors. There are several colleges, public, private, and community-based that will provide Bryan’s Tutoring with a steady flow of students. Bryan’s Tutoring will offer tutoring in the courses offered to graduate and undergraduate students. Please review the following section which provides additional detail regarding the different target segments.

Graduate Students
The company was founded tutoring students in the graduate school of management in their quantitative subjects. This remains the core segment, although other segments have been developing and show potential to provide the bulk of future income. Graduate students can be divided into three groups:

  • Quantitative: These are students who are at the graduate school level and enrolled in quantitative course such as: accounting, finance, business algebra, calculus, and statistics. While this remains the backbone of the company’s business, other areas have been growing quickly and are poised to take off.
  • Non-quantitative: These are students who are requesting tutoring for other subjects that are not quantitative. For example, marketing, international management, organizational behavior, and economics. While this was traditionally not as demanded as the quantitative reviews, the experience that the company has developed in tutoring quantitative courses lends itself well to this segment. The ability to prepare students for upcoming exams and to give them practice tests has been a popular service that should only continue to grow in the future.
  • International students: Because of the large percentage of students in the program from foreign countries, a specialized service is provided to them. The same courses are tutored, but the focus is less on explaining the complicated math and more on helping them understand the English explanations of the math. From the beginning, a sizeable percentage of students requesting tutoring were from foreign countries. It didn’t take long to figure out that most of these students were quite bright and really did understand the math concepts behind the different subjects being taught. They were just struggling to keep up with the lectures and understand the difficult examples given in class. The same is true of the non-quantitative courses. Tutoring and review courses taught for international students focus less on the math or subject of discussion and more on helping them develop the language skills necessary or simply reviewing the subjects their professors covered. Originally the students who sought these services were quite desperate. Bright individuals who had always been at the head of their class back home, they found themselves struggling to keep up in the classes being taught in English. However, more and more students have been taking advantage of these services to give them the edge they need to compete with their American colleagues. The stigma and embarrassment of having to seek out help have been replaced with a view toward the services as the price of being able to compete in the foreign language (English) at their true capacity. Growth is expected to continue as more and more students use the services and their stigma diminishes.

This is a new and exciting area that is bound to become the main revenue generating segment (or group of segments) for the company. As graduate students attended tutoring sessions, they spoke with some of their undergraduate friends and acquaintances. Some of these undergraduate students began seeking help with their respective classes. At first it was mostly for the quantitative courses they were in. As that market began to establish itself, the company began investing time in building a database of old exams, class notes, etc., for the quantitative courses being taught on the main campus to undergraduate students. These students, then began seeking help with their other courses as well. The same segments of quantitative, non-quantitative, and international exist for students at the undergraduate level.


Current alternatives

Tutors tend to be individuals with a little extra time and specific expertise in a given topic. However, few have the resources to provide a comprehensive tutoring program covering every possible aspect of a course from understanding the material, to getting the best grade possible from a given professor. The majority of competition comes from one-on-one tutoring conducted by friends of the student. There is no organized tutoring service available to students that really covers their specific course from soup to nuts.

As the company looks to expand beyond the walls of Willamette University to cover community colleges and potentially franchise out to other colleges in other states, there appear to be few organized competitors. Companies like Sylvan Learning Center are mostly geared for handling the needs of younger students, K-12.

Now, while one-on-one tutoring from a friend may be a cheaper way for a student to go, there really is an advantage to paying for tutoring. The tutoring sessions include examples that have been tried and tested previously with prior students. Over time, Bryan has developed a repertoire of examples and approaches to help students with nearly all of the challenges that prevent them from getting the most out of the experience.

As an example, in accounting and finance classes the professors like to use examples that are complicated for some students to grasp. Often the principle is shown using a huge corporation with millions of dollars in revenue, multiple divisions, and decades of history. The principle being taught may be quite simple, but having to wade through the complicated organizational structure and many other accounting principles can be very confusing to some students.

Bryan’s approach is different. Students are better able to see these principles when isolated temporarily in a very simplified manner before placing them back into context. So, students are introduced to a very simplistic business model – Billy Bob’s Lemonade stand. It is shown that each of the accounting or finance principles being taught can apply to a lemonade stand. The advantages of this approach are:

  1. Many of the North American students had their own lemonade stand at some point in their childhood and so they can relate to the business.
  2. Even the international students can pick up the concept quickly and see how it would work.
  3. Using the same business throughout the tutoring relationship provides a safe place for students to learn where they are already familiar with what the business is and how it works.
  4. Accounting and finance principles work the same whether revenue is in the hundred of dollars or hundreds of millions of dollars and whether the calculations are round numbers or not – for purposes of discussion it is easier to work with smaller numbers to teach the principle before applying the principle to complicated situations with large numbers. Too often students are confused not because the principle being taught is confusing, but because they are daunted by the large numbers being used. Once they become familiar with the principle, the numbers are easy to figure out.
  5. By using the same business to introduce each principle, students don’t need to spend time learning everything about a new business each time they learn a new principle. This means that more time can be spent discussing the principle and less discussing the business.
  6. Having already seen other principles applied to the same business (before simplifying it back down to its core), students are better able to see the principle inside a complicated business structure.

This is just one technique that has been developed successfully over several years that sets Bryan’s tutoring sessions apart from other options.

After each exam, students are encouraged to bring in their exams to be reviewed. The collection of exams over the years provides the tutoring service with a number of examples for use in tutoring session and to better prepare students for upcoming tests.

Similarly, over the years, certain handouts have been prepared to help teach students particular principles. These are accumulated and updated occassionally as needed. Students who are enrolled in tutoring sessions have full access to several years worth of materials. The cost to the company to provide these materials is very low because they have been developed from time to time over the years when a need arose. Although some investment of time was required to produce them, it is an overhead cost and can be spread out over several years for as long as the handout remains current or useful.

One challenge that the tutoring company faces is the cyclical nature of demand. Students tend to seek tutoring more when an exam is looming. Because of its experience in the school and its understanding of when exams will be coming up, topics of discussion for tutoring classes can be planned and students can be encouraged to keep their studies on a more even track. The focus is on prevention of problems so that last-minute cramming is kept to a minimum.

Finally, the services offered by the company are differentiated from competitors by the quality of Bryan’s teaching. He is fun, energetic, and has a certain stage presence that makes it interesting to attend his tutoring sessions. Moreover, his personalized attention focuses on the specific needs of individual students.

Bryan understands that different people learn in different ways, so classes are taught on various levels. Board displays and other visual aids are employed whenever possible to reach those who learn visually. Explanations are thorough for the audio learners. A training model is employed that gives students a good deal of hands-on time during the session so they can learn by doing. And an analysis of each student helps determine which of these approaches will be the most useful for each individual.

Our advantages

There are no other companies providing specialized and targeted services to the target market. This gives the company an edge that will help it to survive for some time to come. The experience with and knowledge about each of the professors and their courses gives the company an ability to provide specialized services that no one else can compete with on anywhere near the same level. Moreover, the service is further differentiated by the following items:

  1. Individualized service, based on personalized evaluation of each client and his or her specific needs and strengths. This takes into account the recognition that students learn in various ways, some students learn visually, others orally. Bryan’s Tutoring first evaluates each student and their best way of learning and tailors the tutoring to most effective serve each student.
  2. The option of one-on-one tutoring or review sessions offered to small groups (enough students so they can learn from each other, but not so many that it becomes confusing and distracting in the session).
  3. Specialized handouts prepared over several years of tutoring.
  4. Experience explaining difficult concepts and knowledge of what works best with certain types of students. Sessions can be focussed to better meet the needs of individual students.
  5. Systematic Analysis Framework (SAF) will be applied to all tutoring. SAF is a system where each student is taught to properly approach any type of problem with a systematic method that provides them with the tools of handling problems with a formal problem solving technique, empowering the student to be able to learn more on their own. This is in contrast with most other tutors who assist the student with specific problems or questions. This is short sighted as it only addresses the difficulty at hand, it does not assist the student with problem solving techniques that provide students with tools to assist them in the future with unforseen problems.

Keys To Success

Keys to Success

Our Keys to Success are: 

  1. Developing methods of approaching subjects that helps students get their minds around challenging concepts.
  2. Creating excellent word of mouth promotion of services – clients sell services to other students.
  3. Truly listening to clients’ needs and diagnosing where their understanding of concepts is breaking down.


Marketing & Sales

Marketing Plan

The real key to this business is staying ahead of the changing student roster. It is important to get out and get seen by all of the incoming students. Testimonials by prior clients are very helpful. A barbecue or party at the beginning of the year would give students a chance to meet and mingle with tutors and get to know who to turn to for help when they feel they need that extra little edge.

The marketing strategy will also incorporate a networking focus where the Bryan’s Tutoring is in close contact with the professors. This allows the company to be quite familiar with the material the various professors are teaching. It also provides the professors with an opportunity to offer referrals to Bryan’s Tutoring for students that need additional assistance that the school cannot provide.

While Bryan’s Tutoring primarily serves Willamette University’s graduate programs, it will also serve the undergraduate departments and other local colleges. Bryan’s Tutoring will place advertisements in the different student newspapers. These advertisements will be effective due to their low cost and targeted readership. Students are the almost exclusive readers of the newspapers so Bryan’s Tutoring receives considerable visibility.

Lastly, upon permission from the various schools, Bryan’s Tutoring will disperse flyers into students mailboxes, communicating to the students the various services Bryan’s Tutoring offers and why it stands out in terms of effectiveness relative to the competition. These flyers will also be posted on various bulletin boards within the student areas.

Sales Plan

The bulk of sales come from word of mouth. When new students come into the school, the upperclassmen tell them about the resources available. So past clients provide most of the advertising for the company. Getting seen and getting the word out to new students is always important. One important message to convey is that the tutoring services are not just for slow students who are having a hard time keeping up, but for anyone who wants an edge and to get the most out of their learning experience.

Bryan’s Tutoring will develop and maintain testimonials of past student clients for a sales pitch indicating just how helpful Bryan’s Tutoring has been to the students. Bryan’s Tutoring will periodically offer a free session, typically in the beginning of the school term. The goal of this session is to provide qualified leads with an opportunity to experience Bryan’s Tutoring and view for themselves how effective the service can be. This sales event will be able to convert many possible customers into paying customers, people that possibly would not have even considered a tutoring service, not previously recognizing their own need for such a service. After the free session many "doubters" will be converted into customers.

The sales strategy will also emphasize the ability for students to create private groups for tutoring. By forming a group, the students pay less per person, Bryan’s Tutoring makes more per hour, and it promotes group work, a fundamental educational and real world tool.

Milestones & Metrics

Milestones Table

Milestone Due Date
Develop Agreements with Willamette Professors
Nov 08, 2017
First Large group of students
Jan 03, 2018
Nearing Hourly Capacity
Jan 23, 2018
Q1 Review
Mar 13, 2018
Q2 Review
June 14, 2018
Q3 Review
Sept 12, 2018
Q4 Review
Dec 12, 2018

Key metrics

Our Key Metrics are: 

  • student grades and achieving goals 
  • students tutored
  • student retention
  • parent satisfaction
  • word of mouth
  • # of tweets and retweets 
  • # of reviews on yelp and google 
  • # of facebook views and likes 




Ownership & Structure

Bryan’s Tutoring Service is a sole proprietorship. The company is owned and operated by Bryan Thomas. As the company continues to grow, it is foreseen that it will be transitioned into a Limited Liability Company (LLC). An LLC structure will soon be favored to offer liability protection.

Company history

Bryan’s Tutoring Service came into being by accident. The founder, Bryan Thomas, was a graduate student at the Willamette University Graduate School of Management. During the first year of the program, a fellow student approached him and asked for assistance in understanding the concepts from one of the courses that was going to be tested on an upcoming exam. They got together for what was to be the first of many study sessions and a long-term friendship. For the remainder of the year, the two met regularly to discuss course topics and would frequently include other students as well.

With previous teaching experience in a large language school, Bryan discovered that he was able to connect with students and help them understand concepts in ways that their professors were unable to – interestingly, to many students the concepts in the quantitative courses were as foreign as Portuguese or Korean. As the year progressed, the size of the study sessions grew to include other students – with Bryan spending much of the time at the front of the group explaining concepts and leading the discussion.

At the end of the first year, a position became available for the following year to work for the school as a tutor. The position paid poorly, and was limited to only a few hours per week. The "tutoring" sessions were open to all students in the program and often had as many as 30 students in the room. It was at this point that several students approached Bryan seeking private tutoring and were willing to pay for these sessions. From this was born Bryan’s Tutoring Service. For the remainder of the year, Bryan provided tutoring both in large review sessions and in private sessions with paying students. Since that time, the business has continued to grow as new students have entered the program and tutoring has expanded to undergraduate courses.


Management team

Bryan’s Tutoring Service will be lead by Bryan Thomas. Bryan brings a wealth of academic excellence as well as a proven record of tutoring. Bryan first began tutoring at a large language school. It was this experience that provided Bryan with the insight that he enjoyed and excelled at tutoring. While Bryan attending Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management he informally began tutoring students. During Bryan’s second year in the business program, the school hired him to be a tutor for the first year students. This provided Bryan with incredible insight into the specific course work at Atkinson as he worked hand in hand with the professors preparing the students for the course work and exams.

Bryan’s Tutoring Service is a home-based tutoring business that offers a wide range of tutoring services. Due to Bryan’s expertise, professor networking connections, and low overhead, Bryan’s Tutoring Service will realize good revenue and profits the years of this plan

Bryan’s background includes an undergraduate degree in business management, and a minor in Portuguese and Communications. He worked previously as a trainer in a large language school with an intensive program where he taught Portuguese for two years. He worked directly with 70 students and indirectly as a substitute and a large group trainer for 100’s more. Initially Bryan started this position teaching classes of 10, however it became obvious quickly that he was gifted at teaching students. He seemed to have the knack for explaining difficult concepts in ways that were easy to understand.

Bryan is quite skilled at surveying people and determining what is the most effective way that individuals learn. This skill is key for Bryan and for the tutoring service. Most teachers have a set way of teaching the material, from years of teaching the same curriculum, year in and year out. Bryan has always searched for the best way to teach the individual. When the person does not respond well to one methods he immediately changes methods looking for a more effective way.

Financial Plan


Key assumptions

Our key assumptions are: 

  • In this education based society people to get degrees to get ahead. 
  • Not everyone learns the same. 
  • Different tools help different people ace the tests 


Revenue by Month

Chart visualizing the data for Revenue by Month

Expenses by Month

Chart visualizing the data for Expenses by Month

Net Profit (or Loss) by Year

Chart visualizing the data for Net Profit (or Loss) by Year


Use of funds

The tutoring business will need about $5,000 to start. Costs include gas and transportation to meet with students away from his home and occasional handouts. Bryan has reserved a room in his house and an office/meeting room for his business. Additionally, Bryan incurs Internet service provider fees, and every two years a new computer. 

Sources of Funds

Bryan will use the money he made in his side job to make the tutoring his only source of income. 


Projected Profit and Loss

2018 2019 2020
Gross Margin $68,239 $69,151 $70,063
Operating Expenses
Rent $36,000 $36,000 $36,000
Supplies $9,600 $9,600 $9,600
Utilities $1,437 $1,455 $1,475
Insurance $2,400 $2,400 $2,400
Marketing $718 $728 $738
Amortization of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Interest Incurred
Depreciation and Amortization
Gain or Loss from Sale of Assets
Income Taxes $2,713 $2,845 $2,977
Total Expenses $56,459 $56,669 $56,877
Net Profit $15,371 $16,121 $16,873

Projected Balance Sheet

Starting Balances 2018 2019 2020
Cash $4,200 $20,399 $35,536 $52,375
Accounts Receivable $3,871 $4,768 $4,843
Other Current Assets $300 $300 $300 $300
Total Current Assets $4,500 $24,570 $40,604 $57,519
Long-Term Assets
Accumulated Depreciation
Total Long-Term Assets
Accounts Payable $135 $3,953 $4,035 $4,041
Income Taxes Payable $882 $712 $747
Sales Taxes Payable $0 $0 $0
Short-Term Debt
Prepaid Revenue
Total Current Liabilities $135 $4,835 $4,747 $4,788
Long-Term Debt
Long-Term Liabilities
Paid-In Capital
Retained Earnings $4,365 $4,365 $19,736 $35,857
Earnings $15,371 $16,122 $16,873

Projected Cash Flow Statement

2018 2019 2020
Net Cash Flow from Operations
Net Profit $15,371 $16,121 $16,873
Depreciation & Amortization $0 $0 $0
Change in Accounts Receivable ($3,871) ($897) ($75)
Change in Inventory
Change in Accounts Payable $3,818 $82 $7
Change in Income Tax Payable $882 ($170) $35
Change in Sales Tax Payable $0 $0 $0
Change in Prepaid Revenue
Investing & Financing
Assets Purchased or Sold
Investments Received
Dividends & Distributions
Change in Short-Term Debt
Change in Long-Term Debt
Cash at Beginning of Period $4,200 $20,399 $35,536
Net Change in Cash $16,199 $15,136 $16,840