Tony has returned to his early love of journalistic writing by freelancing long form articles and blog posts. He is currently turning his TV series pilot for The New Twenty into his first novel. Tony lives in Toronto where he continues to be tormented by his beloved Maple Leafs.
How to Start a Catering Business
20 min. read
Updated July 3, 2024
Do you find the process of shopping and chopping, sautéing and flambéing for large groups of people rewarding and fulfilling? Would you rather die than serve a salad that is topped with anything other your homemade vinaigrette dressing? Are people constantly asking you to cook for their next gathering?
If any of this sounds familiar, you’ve probably at least toyed with the idea of starting a catering business. It’s a thriving industry which can be scaled and tailored to whatever best suits your skills and situation. This article is intended to serve as a step-by-step guide to show you how to get started.
To supplement this guide, I interviewed two seasoned veterans of the catering business:
Jean-Marc Fontaine is a French-trained chef, event planner, and sommelier who now serves as the Catering Sales and Events Consultant for Urban Source Creative Catering in the heart of downtown Toronto, Canada. Warren Dietel is the Owner and President of Puff ‘N Stuff, a full-service wedding, corporate, and holiday event caterer and planner serving the greater Orlando area and all of central Florida.
1. Understand the state of the catering industry in the U.S.
In the United States alone, the catering industry is an $11 billion juggernaut and growing every year—more than 4.5 percent between 2014 and 2019.
An industry report shows that in 2012, the average costs for the foodservice at a wedding reception in the United States was to $3,579 U.S.; wedding planning website The Knot surveyed their users and found that in 2017, the average cost was $6,528, or $70 per guest. Wedding Wire says the average cost is about $4,000, but most couples spend between $1,800 and $7,000. Not surprisingly, the largest market segment that supports the catering business is households earning at least six figures. In 2015, of households with a combined income of 100,000 U.S. dollars or more, 5.4 percent spent $500 to $999 U.S. on catered events outside the home.
Though there are major players in the catering industry, there are a lot of reasons why it’s appealing to entrepreneurs: Unlike most other sectors, the industry is highly fragmented, meaning there is no single corporate entity dominating the market share.
This means there’s room for everyone who has some skill and hustle. Large companies can leverage their ability to scale to any size event and cover multiple events at the same time; smaller outfits can push their personal touch for a competitive edge.
2. Figure out if you’re ready to start a catering company
There’s no shortcut to determining if you are just a “weekend warrior” dazzling your friends and colleagues in your own home or someone who is a great candidate to branch out and start their own catering business. Jean-Marc Fontaine says to find success, people need to spark that burning desire from within.
“I really have a passion for food and entertaining and the reason I’m still doing this job today is because I am passionate about the food industry,” he says. “It’s a very special area, it’s not like an office job, it’s more like art—you have to really love it.”
Jean-Marc believes this passion is necessary because almost everyone who enters the foodservice industry greatly underestimates the amount of time, effort, and expense it requires to be successful. This is a lesson he has learned personally.
“Many years ago when I was in France, my brother (also a chef) and I opened a small restaurant together—30 seats so not a big operation. It was just his wife serving and we had someone helping in the kitchen. We knew it would be a lot of work; we didn’t know we’d be working literally 18 hours a day, seven days a week. So many things to think about, not just food prep but cleaning and overhead, you need equipment, you need a vehicle which means expenses for gas and parking. If you don’t anticipate all the expenses and overhead charges, it can be overwhelming,” he says.
Warren Dietel also cautions anyone thinking of entering the business against getting swept up in the glamorous portrayal they may have seen on television, as the reality of the industry is altogether different.
“Catering is not for the faint of heart, this is a hard business,” he explains. “You can’t get into this thinking this is what you see on the Food Network. I think the cooking networks have done a fabulous job of showcasing the glamorous side of what the foodservice and special event industry is, but at the end of the day, it takes hard work, grit, and determination to be successful.”
If you are driven by that burning desire to start a catering business and are prepared for the work and accompanying expenses, the catering industry will offer some distinct advantages over starting a traditional sit-down restaurant. Before you get started, take this quiz to help you think about what it takes to start your own business.
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Advantages of starting a catering business
Food production costs
Caterers know exactly how many people they are expected to serve. That means you can buy only what is absolutely necessary and reduce the expense of food waste. A traditional restaurant may be prepared to serve 150 people on any given night, even if only 30 walk through the door.
Equipment costs
Since most small catering operations only need their equipment for a few days each week, it makes more sense to rent it for only the times they will be in use. This expense is factored into the overall job quote. That means, unlike the new restaurateur, the caterer does not have to deal with a staggering amount of overhead right out of the gate.
Serving staff
Most catered events are buffet style, which means the catering company can get by with two or three servers for a party of over one hundred guests, whereas that same guest list in a restaurant would require at least eight to ten paid serving staff.
3. Test the waters by working in the industry
You’ve seen the advantages, you know what’s in store, and you’ve decided you will forge ahead and start a catering business.
Before you lease space and start advertising, there are some “test drives” you should do first. These are things that can give you a better sense of the professional landscape and either confirm or challenge your commitment to moving ahead.
Work for a local caterer
As obvious as it may seem, there is no better way to prepare yourself for the realities of making it on your own. You will get a master class in everything that goes into running a successful (or not so successful) catering business.
It will also show if you have the one trait Jean-Marc believes any caterer must have to make it in the business:
“I know it sounds a little cliché, but you always have to keep a positive approach because there are so many factors that can be stressful,” he says. “A lot of things can go wrong from the get-go. It could be accidental food poisoning or the delivery van could have an accident on the way to an event. No matter what happens, you always have to have a positive approach.”
Volunteer as an event planner
For any prospective caterer, the ability to multi-task is just as important as the ability to prepare mouth-watering dishes. The most delicious food in the world will not save an event that is an organizational train wreck.
The experience you gain from helping to plan fundraising events for your favorite charities or church functions could reap huge benefits further down the line.
Work as a personal chef
This is a very common training ground for many eventual caterers.
By working as a personal chef, you not only hone your skills in the kitchen, but you can also develop a client base and begin networking, which will be very beneficial when you transition to catering.
4. Do your research and write your business plan
When you’re finally ready to make a go of it and launch your catering business, the first thing you have to do is determine what makes your business unique. One way to describe this is your unique value proposition, or UVP. In a nutshell, your UVP covers: how your catering service works, what makes it valuable and unique, and why it’s better than the rest.
When you’re first starting out, you will likely be a very small operation and that makes it especially important to establish your niche in the marketplace. Large corporate events like Jean-Marc’s Urban Source Creative Catering can scale up or down depending on the order. They can be a large one size fits all operation that can be, in many ways, everything to everyone.
“A couple of weeks ago I was planning a corporate lunch for executives for one day and the next day, it was a birthday party for a five-year-old girl,” he says. “We’re flexible enough to adapt the menu to the needs and preferences of the client.”
Identify your target market
With that in mind, it’s very unlikely you will have the same capability. Most businesses benefit from identifying their target market—and it probably won’t be everyone who needs to eat, from five-year-olds to corporate executives.
So here are some things you can do to narrow the focus of what your catering business is all about.
Identify your concept—who and what you serve
This is essentially determining what the DNA of your catering business will be.
What’s your most identifiable and unique business trait? Are you a target-based caterer, meaning you specialize in certain events like weddings, corporate lunches, or social fundraising events? Or are you a cuisine-based company that specializes in vegan and vegetarian dishes, Southeast Asian food, or catering for some of the more common food allergies and restrictions?
Find out who your competitors are
Maybe you decided that you are going to be the premier vegan and vegetarian caterer in your city. You’re going to want to find out how many other businesses out there are trying to service that same market. You need to know who else is serving your same target customers in your area. Putting together a simple competitive matrix can help you see where you and your competitors overlap, and where you stand out.
Practically every business has competition. If there aren’t any other caterers serving your style of food in your area, don’t make the mistake of thinking that you don’t have competition. Find out how your target customers are getting their needs met already. What do they do when they want to serve 30 of their friends a huge meal? How do they make it happen? Make it your business to find out.
You may be in trouble before you begin if your chosen niche is already oversaturated in the market. So, find out who has been successful locally and why. What are people saying about them? Why do they get repeat business? The answers to these questions will help you guide and shape you’re growing catering business.
Write your business plan
If you’ve done some market research and thought about competition, it’s time to start thinking about putting together your business plan. You’ll need a formal business plan if you plan to seek a bank loan or investor funding. Check out a free sample catering business plan in the Bplans sample business plan library to give you some insight on what to include.
If you’re not planning on seeking funding, consider putting together a Lean Business Plan instead. It’s shorter by design, and it will help you make sure you’ve thought through all the critical aspects of your business.
5. Build your catering menu
A caterer does many things and must wear many hats, all at the same time. But, nothing is more central to the core identity of the business than the menu.
Your service and presentation must be impeccable, but it is the food that will keep customers coming back and offering referrals to their friends and associates. For many, it is the single defining aspect of a catering business.
Here are some things to consider when putting together your catering menu.
Have an area of expertise
The larger corporate catering firms which often target large and expensive executive lunches can scale their operation up or down to meet any food request presented to them. Starting out, your focus will have to be more narrow, partly because for budgetary reasons and partly because that will help you create an identity.
By targeting your menu to what you do best, you put yourself in a better position to deliver a top-quality product to your client. This is something Warren Dietel believes is crucially important for new caterers.
“Know your limitations and always try to undersell and over-deliver,” he advises. “You don’t want to promise something that you can’t deliver upon.”
Stay on top of current food trends
Food is no different from fashion, architecture, or technology in that it is nearly impossible to stay on top of all the current trends.
The advent of food and cooking television networks over the past 10 years has given rise to self-proclaimed “foodies” who are very specific about what they consume, and this is the biggest change Jean-Marc has seen in the industry in the last five years.
“We are seeing a big demand for gluten-free items these days, but it’s always changing,” he says. “Up to a couple of years ago, it was all about cupcakes, everybody had to have cupcakes. You would see cupcake shops spring up all over the place, but now that’s fading away and now we’re in the macaron phase. Everyone now wants macarons for their parties.”
It would seem keeping current has never been more important in the foodservice industry. Consider joining a food service organization or other professional group with a mission of helping food businesses succeed to help you keep your ear to the ground.
Determine your price point
Like most other goods or services, catering businesses range from the very affordable to quite expensive. You’ll need to determine where in that spectrum your business is situated.
If you are going for high-end clients like corporate lunches or expensive wedding parties, you will need to price your meals and services accordingly. Or perhaps you’ve decided to make catering affordable to those who would normally not consider it, and so you’re going to offer delicious catered meals at a lower price.
In either case, how successful you are in your targeted market is going to depend in large part on determining the right price point.
The other side of this is putting together a sales forecast. Once you have a sense of what your price point will be, and what your materials and other overhead costs will be, put together a simple sales forecast to help you model different scenarios.
Make sure your menu is cost-efficient
This may seem self-explanatory, but there is no faster way to put yourself out of business than by delivering amazing dishes that cost more to produce than what you are receiving from the client. Be sure to factor in all food preparation costs when deciding what you will put on your menu.
6. Choose your location and handle logistics
Before you can place that first order and take that first piping hot tray out of the oven, you will have to clear some logistical hurdles to get your business operational. To work through this next step, you will have to wear the hat of a shrewd CEO and CFO.
Choose a business location
Perhaps the biggest difference between the catering and restaurant industries is that the restaurant mantra “location, location, location” does not really apply as much when it comes to starting a catering business.
Jean-Marc believes what is most important in choosing a location is what amenities are available rather than what part of the city you are situated in.
“I don’t think it really matters where you are located,” he says. “What is important is to have plenty of preparation and storage space. We have office space plus a basement for storage with walk-in fridges and walk-in freezers.”
Decide on transportation
Setting up shop anywhere you’d like is a positive, but having reliable and sizable transportation is an absolute necessity. You will have to determine if it makes sense to buy a company van or simply rent one on an as-needed basis.
Of course, there’s more to transporting food than simply loading it into the back of a van. You will need special units to keep the food properly preserved from your location to the function.
This might include:
- Food carriers
- Beverage carriers
- Insulated food carts
- Banquet carts
- Thermal insulators
- Cold packs
Make sure you have insurance
Anyone entering the foodservice industry absolutely must protect themselves with adequate business insurance coverage.
Even with the most careful attention to detail, accidental food poisoning or other mishaps can happen and you must be prepared for all eventualities. Your serving staff will also require workers’ compensation insurance.
Reduce risk wherever possible
Pay attention to workplace safety. Catering disasters aren’t unheard of. Plan for the unexpected. Think about what can go wrong and come up with a few ideas for how you might deal with it. You can reduce your risk if you plan ahead. You’ll encounter challenges that it never occurred to you to think through. Do yourself a favor and check a few of those off the list, well before go-time.
7. Develop your marketing strategy
You’re already the culinary master, you’ve taken on the role of CEO and CFO, and now it’s time to put on yet another hat: marketing specialist.
No matter how great your food is, your business won’t survive without the clientele. Here are some things to consider when it comes time to start marketing your catering business.
Think twice about brochures and flyers
Not long ago, this was one of the go-to methods for getting exposure for a catering business. Handing them out a wedding or trade shows was considered a no-brainer for any enterprising caterer.
“We used to do brochures and flyers but that doesn’t really work these days,” Jean-Marc says. Instead, they now use a targeted cold-call method when they have on-site office jobs. “Let’s say we have a job in the building at 110 King Street. What we do is take business cards to the neighboring businesses and let them know who we are and what we have to offer. That has worked well for us in the past.”
Establish a website and social media presence
Your website is the first place most people will go to see what your business has to offer and determine if it’s a good fit for them. This is by far the most effective marketing tool you will use.
Having a strong web presence is an absolute must. Make it easy for clients to reach you and understand what you’re about. Should you run your entire catering business on a Facebook page? Probably not. There are some risks associated with running your business from a platform that you don’t own and don’t have much say over. Think of social media as one arm of your marketing strategy, but not the entire thing. Especially as Facebook and other platforms have evolved to deprioritize business-related content, remember that you get what you pay for. Instagram might be a great way to generate some buzz around your food, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Volunteer your services at a charitable event
This is a tactic that Jean-Marc has found to be very effective during his years in the business. Find a great cause you want to support, and offer to cater the event as your contribution in exchange for the organizers using your company name and logo on all promotional materials and at the event itself.
You will be incurring a significant expense at the outset, but it is a great way to penetrate a target-rich environment.
Partner with event planners and venue owners
Look to develop long-term, mutually beneficial relationships with other organizations that frequently use caterers. Establishing a great working relationship with the top two or three event planners in your area is a great way to keep your business going strong.
Below you’ll find a list of different resources that can help you find out more about what goes into getting your catering business off the ground.
- The Catering Institute: An excellent online resources which offers downloads, essays, videos, and webinars on topics such as leadership, operations, sales and marketing, and delivery. Past webinars include “Catering Menu Optimization,” “How to Market Your Holiday Catering Program,” and “Building Loyalty and Order Frequency with Rewards and Incentives.”
- NACE: The National Association of Catering and Events offers online learning opportunities through what they call NACE University. Their courses fall under two umbrella headings: The Business Academy, and Food Safety. They also offer Certified Professional in Catering and Events (CPCE) Designation.
- Vegetarian Society: An excellent resource to help caterers navigate the often choppy waters of providing excellent meals to a strict vegetarian clientele.
- TES: An online educational resource hub that is home to the world’s largest online community of teachers, with 7.3 million registered users. It has numerous resources for caterers including information on cooking skills, health and safety, managing an event, customer service, world foods, and preparing food—just to name a few.
Books and magazines:
One visit to Amazon will give you numerous options for published guides on starting a catering business.
Some of the titles you’ll find include:
- How to Start a Catering Business: The Catering Business Plan—An Essential Guide for Starting a Catering Business by Sierra Young
- Good Food Good Business: Starting and Running a Successful Catering Business by Culina Salus
- The Everything Guide to Starting and Running a Catering Business: Insider’s Advice on Turning Your Talent into a Career by Joyce Weinberg
- Starting and Running a Catering Business by Carol Godsmark
Taking those first steps
Both Jean-Marc and Warren stress the importance of patience and determination in those early days. It will be harder and more labor-intensive than you can possibly imagine, but it will also be unbelievably rewarding.
Warren said anyone new to the field must anticipate seasonal ups and downs—there will be natural ebbs and flows and it is important to be both psychologically and financially prepared.
“This is a very seasonal business. It seems we work really, really hard for eight months out of the year and for four months out of the year we get to regroup, recalibrate, reorganize,” he says. “That’s a good thing, but you just have to be sure you prepare for that from a cash flow perspective.”
So, the next time you amaze your social circle with your culinary mastery and someone says “you should really start your own catering company,” ask yourself one question—are you ready to flip the switch?
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